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Healthier SG Chronic Tier Subsidies

​​​​​​​​​The colour of the CHAS card indicates the subsidy tier that cardholders are entitled to, namely the CHAS Blue, Orange or Green tier. All Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) seniors also receive special subsidies at CHAS clinics.

The amount that cardholders pay will be based on the fees charged by the clinic, minus the subsidies. The fees will vary according to each patient’s condition and clinic’s charges. Cardholders may wish to check with their enrolled clinics on the claim limits and likely fees that they need to pay before receiving treatment at each visit. Patients may also wish to consult their family doctors on their suitability to utilise the Healthier SG Chronic Tier. 

The table below summarises the subsidies that cardholders can receive under the Healthier SG Chronic Tier, depending on the colour of their card. 

CHAS Criteria
Household monthly income per person (for households with income)
Above $2,300
Annual Value of home (for households with no income)
Above $31,000 

Healthier SG Chronic Tier Subsidies
For Patients with CDMP Chronic Conditions
Simple1Fixed Dollar Subsidy applicable for all services2 and other medications3

Up to $28 subsidy per visit, capped at $80 per year
Complex1Up to $40 subsidy per visit, capped at $110 per year
Simple or Complex Tier
% Subsidy applicable for selected list of chronic medications for CDMP conditions4
50% subsidy, with no dollar cap

1 “Simple” refers to visits for a single chronic condition. “Complex” refers to visits for multiple chronic conditions, or a single chronic condition with complication(s).

2 Services ref​ers to healthcare services provided by the Healthier SG GP clinic, such as consultation and investigations (e.g. blood tests).

3 Refers to all other medications which are not defined in the Healthier SG Medication List.

4 Applies to chronic medications defined in a Healthier SG Medication List, which comprises medications which are commonly used at the polyclinics for management of conditions under CDMP. 

​​​CHAS Cr​it​​​er​​ia​​
​Househ​old mon​th​​ly income p​er pers​on​​ (for househ​olds with income)​
​$1,501 - $2,300
Annual Value of home (for households with no income)
​​​​​​$2​1,001 - $31,000​

​​Healthier SG Chronic Tier Subsidies
​​For Patients with CDMP Chronic Conditions
Simple1​Fixed Dollar Subsidy appl​icable for all services2 and other medications3

​​​​​​​​Up to $50 subsidy per visit, capped at $130 per year
​Complex1​​Up to $80 subsidy per visit, capped at $210 per year
​Simple or Complex Tier
​% Subsidy applicable for selected list of chronic medications for CDMP conditions4
75% subsidy, with no dollar cap


1 “Simple” refers to visits for a single chronic condition. “Complex” refers to visits for multiple chronic conditions, or a single chronic condition with complication(s).

2 Services refers to healthcare services provided by the Healthier SG GP clinic, such as consultation and investigations (e.g. blood tests).

3 Refers to all other medications which are not defined in the Healthier SG Medication List.

4 Applies to chronic medications defined in a Healthier SG Medication List, which comprises medications which are commonly used at the polyclinics for management of conditions under CDMP. ​

​​​CHAS Cr​it​​​er​​ia​​
​Househ​old mon​th​​ly income p​er pers​on​​ (for househ​olds with income)​
​$​​1,500 and below
​Annual Value of home (for households with no income)
​​​​​​$2​1,000 and below​ ​

​​Healthier SG Chronic Tier Subsidies
​​For Patients with CDMP Chronic Conditions
Simple1​Fixed Dollar Subsidy appl​icable for all services2 and other medications3

​​​​​​​​Up to $80 subsidy per visit, capped at $210 per year
​Complex1​​Up to $125 subsidy per visit, capped at $330 per year
​Simple or Complex Tier
​% Subsidy applicable for selected list of chronic medications for CDMP conditions4
75% subsidy, with no dollar cap


1 "Simple” refers to visits for a single chronic condition. “Complex” refers to visits for multiple chronic conditions, or a single chronic condition with complication(s).

2 Services refers to healthcare services provided by the Healthier SG GP clinic, such as consultation and investigations (e.g. blood tests).

3 Refers to all other medications which are not defined in the Healthier SG Medication List.

4 Applies to chronic medications defined in a Healthier SG Medication List, which comprises medications which are commonly used at the polyclinics for management of conditions under CDMP. ​

  • For seniors who hold both the MG and CHAS cards. Subsidies for MG seniors will be accorded to them. ​
​​Healthier SG Chronic Tier Subsidies
​​For Patients with CDMP Chronic Conditions
Simple1​Fixed Dollar Subsidy appl​icable for all services2 and other medications3

​​​​​​​​Up to $85 subsidy per visit, capped at $230 per year
​Complex1​​Up to $130 subsidy per visit, capped at $350 per year
​Simple or Complex Tier
​% Subsidy applicable for selected list of chronic medications for CDMP conditions4
81.25% subsidy, with no dollar cap


1 "Simple” refers to visits for a single chronic condition. “Complex” refers to visits for multiple chronic conditions, or a single chronic condition with complication(s).

2 Services refers to healthcare services provided by the Healthier SG GP clinic, such as consultation and investigations (e.g. blood tests).

3 Refers to all other medications which are not defined in the Healthier SG Medication List.

Applies to chronic medications defined in a Healthier SG Medication List, which comprises medications which are commonly used at the polyclinics for management of conditions under CDMP. ​

  • For seniors who hold both the PG and CHAS cards. Subsidies for PG seniors will be accorded to them. 
​​Healthier SG Chronic Tier Subsidies
​​For Patients with CDMP Chronic Conditions
Simple1​Fixed Dollar Subsidy appl​icable for all services2 and other medications3

​​​​​​​​Up to $90 subsidy per visit, capped at $240 per year
​Complex1​​Up to $135 subsidy per visit, capped at $360 per year
​Simple or Complex Tier
​% Subsidy applicable for selected list of chronic medications for CDMP conditions4
87.5% subsidy, with no dollar cap


"Simple” refers to visits for a single chronic condition. “Complex” refers to visits for multiple chronic conditions, or a single chronic condition with complication(s).

2 Services refers to healthcare services provided by the Healthier SG GP clinic, such as consultation and investigations (e.g. blood tests).

3 Refers to all other medications which are not defined in the Healthier SG Medication List.

4 Applies to chronic medications defined in a Healthier SG Medication List, which comprises medications which are commonly used at the polyclinics for management of conditions under CDMP. ​

All of us can now apply for CHAS!

​​​​​If you are a Singapore citizen aged 21 and above, simply log in to our online application system using Singpass and submit an application for yourself and your loved ones at home.​​