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Sign Up for CHAS (GP)


To be eligible for government subvention under CHAS, the medical clinic and GP must both be accredited under the Medisave for Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) framework.

If your clinic is currently not accredited under the Medisave for CDMP framework, please do the following:  

  1. Click here to jointly register for accreditation under the Medisave for CDMP framework and CHAS
  2. Click here to apply for doctor’s Medisave accreditation
  3. Submit the following documents to Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board for the preparation of the Deed Of Idemnity (DOI). CPF Board is the trustee of members’ Medisave monies.
            a) Application for InterBank Giro (Medisave Charges) Form

            b) Direct Credit Authorisation Form

            c) A letter to CPF Board

            Please click here to download the documents listed above.

    4. Sign the DOI upon receipt and mail it back to CPF Board
    5. Complete the CDMP E-Learning training, which is a prerequisite. Click here to register for training
    6. Sign the CHAS contract upon receipt and mail it back to the assigned polyclinic

Once the CHAS contract has been received, you will be informed of the date that you may start treating CHAS patients and submitting claims for the government subvention via email.

​If your clinic is already accredited under the Medisave for CDMP framework, please do the following: 

  1. Click here to register for CHAS
  2. Complete the CHAS E-Learning training, which is a prerequisite. Click here to register for training. The registration will take approximately 2-3 working days to process. Thereafter, you will receive an email notification with E-Learning login details.
  3. Upon completion of the E-Learning training, the assigned polyclinic will mail the CHAS contract.
  4. Sign the CHAS contract upon receipt and mail it back to the assigned polyclinic.  
Doctor's Medisave accreditation 

If you need to renew your Medisave accreditation, please click here

CHAS Registration Process for GP 


Application for CHAS accreditation will be processed within two weeks from the day of receipt.

If you require further information on CHAS or assistance with CHAS/CDMP sign-up, please click here​ or contact AIC at 6632 1199 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm).

Apply for CHAS accreditation now!

​​​​​​​With the enhancement to CHAS, all Singapore Citizens can no​w receive subsidies for chronic conditions at par​ticipating GP and dental clin​​ics. To become a CHAS clinic sign up for your CHAS accreditation.