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The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) cardholders, to receive subsidies for medical and/or dental care* at participating General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics.

*Only for CHAS Blue/Orange, PG and MG cardholders

The table below shows the different conditions that CHAS covers.
Common Illnesses^ Chronic Conditions Dental Services^
  • Abdominal pain
  • Cough, cold, flu
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Skin infection and rashes
  • Sore eyes
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Anxiety+
  • Asthma
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
  • Bipolar Disorder+
  • Chronic Hepatitis B
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Dementia
  • Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (including Pre-Diabetes)
  • Epilepsy
  • Gout
  • Hypertension (High blood pressure)​
  • Ischaemic Heart Disease
  • Lipid Disorders (e.g. High cholesterol)
  • Major Depression+
  • ​Nephritis/Nephrosis (Chronic Kidney Disease)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Psoriasis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Schizophrenia+
  • Stroke​
  • Consultation*
  • Extraction*
  • Filling*
  • Removable Denture
  • Denture Reline/Repair
  • Permanent Crown
  • Re-cementation*
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Polishing*
  • Scaling*
  • Topical fluoride*
  • X-Ray*​​

^ Not applicable for CHAS Green Tier

* Not applicable for CHAS Orange Tier

+Only claimable at selected clinics. Please click here​ and select "Medical Advice" for the list of CDMP+ clinics.

All Singapore Citizens are eligible for CHAS. The CHAS benefits will be tiered according to household monthly income per person or the Annual Value (AV) of the home, as indicated in the table below:

CHAS Criteria ​

CHAS Green 

CHAS Orange 

CHAS Bl​ue 

^Household monthly income per person (for households with income) 

Above $2,300

$1,501 - $2,300

$1,500 and below

​^^Annual Value (AV) of home (for households with no income) 

Above $31​,000

$21,001 - $31,000

$21,000 and below​​

^ Household monthly income per person is the total gross household monthly income divided by total number of family members living together. Gross monthly income refers to your basic employment income, trade/self-employed income, overtime pay, allowances, cash awards, commissions, and bonuses. 

^Annual Value is the estimated gross annual rent of a property if it were to be rented out, excluding furnishings and maintenance fees. It is determined by IRAS and may be checked via 

While every Singapore Citizen is eligible for CHAS, the enrolment onto CHAS is still on an application basis. To enjoy subsidies under CHAS, households are required to submit an application.

Singapore Citizens who have the Public Assistance (PA) card do not need to apply for CHAS, as they can already receive full CHAS subsidies by showing the PA card.​

The colour of the CHAS card indicates the subsidy tier that cardholders are entitled to, namely the CHAS Blue, Orange or Green tier. All Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) seniors also receive special subsidies at CHAS clinics.

The amount that cardholders pay will be based on the fees charged by the clinic, minus the CHAS subsidies. Cardholders may wish to check with CHAS clinics on their fees before receiving treatment at each visit.

Please note that by using their CHAS/MG/PG cards and/or accepting CHAS subsidies at a CHAS clinic, cardholders agree to allow their doctor/dentist to disclose their personal information to the Ministry of Health (including its authorised agents). Please click here​ for more details on the patient consent clauses for CHAS.

​The table below summarises the subsidies that cardholders can receive, depending on the colour of their card.

Click here​​to view the full image. 

Your CHAS subsidy tier will not be automatically changed when there are changes to your household income within the validity period. 

However, if there is a change to your household financial situation during your card's validity period, you may reach out to CHAS for further advice.

CHAS cards are typically valid for 2 years. ​

​Existing CHAS cardholders may have their CHAS cards automatically processed for renewal three months before expiry.

Your household’s eligibility will be evaluated based on your latest household circumstances (i.e. income and composition) and you will receive a letter informing you of your household’s renewal outcome.

However, if we require more information from you to reassess your household’s CHAS eligibility, we will send you a renewal invitation package about three months before your card expires.

For convenience, you can now submit your renewal for CHAS online​ by logging in with your Singpass account. Alternatively, you may complete and sign the hardcopy form​​​, and mail it to Bukit Merah Central Post Office, P.O. Box 680, Singapore 911536.

If you did not receive any renewal letter 1 month before your card’s expiry, please submit a renewal online or via a hardcopy form to continue receiving CHAS subsidies after your current card expires.

​If your household was not automatically processed for renewal or did not receive the renewal letter 1 month before your cards' expiry, please submit a renewal application online or via the h​ardcopy form​​​ to continue receiving CHAS subsidies after your current card expires.​

To replace your lost/damaged CHAS card, you may submit your replacement request here​.

Alternatively, please call the CHAS hotline at 1800-275-2427 to submit a request for a replacement.​

​CHAS provides subsidies for visits at participating GP and dental clinics. All Singapore Citizens who apply will receive CHAS cards, with subsidies tiered according to household monthly income per person or annual value of the home. CHAS cards are typically valid for two years. With the card, cardholders can get subsidies at CHAS clinics.

On the other hand, every Pioneer and Merdeka Generation senior, regardless of income or housing type, has a Pioneer Generation (PG) / Merdeka Generation (MG) card. The PG and MG cards are valid for life. With the PG and MG card, Pioneers and Merdeka Generation senior can receive special subsidies at CHAS clinics.

The Annual Value (AV)* of homes will be used to determine the CHAS subsidy tier when all family members living in the same household do not receive an income. 

*AV is the estimated gross annual rent of a property if it were to be rented out, excluding furnishings and maintenance fees.  It is determined by IRAS and may be checked via

​Applying for CHAS

For convenience, you can now apply for CHAS via our online application. Singapore Citizens aged 21 and above can apply for CHAS online on behalf of their household members.

Alternatively, you may download a hardcopy application form here​​​. Once completed, please mail the form (and supporting documents, if any) to P.O. Box 680, Bukit Merah Central Post Office, Singapore 911536.

Generally, your application will be processed within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the completed application.

If you have not received the outcome after 15 working days, you may visit our CHAS online application and login using your Singpass or call the CHAS hotline at 1800-275-2427 (1800-ASK-CHAS) to check on your application status.

Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) seniors already enjoy special PG / MG CHAS benefits when visiting CHAS GP and dental clinics, with their PG / MG cards.

However, PG and MG seniors can still apply for a CHAS card as eligible family members in their household will also receive a CHAS card.​

For convenience, you can now apply for CHAS via our online application.

However, each household should only submit one CHAS application – either online or hardcopy.

If you have not received any notification on your application status after 15 working days, you may visit our CHAS online application and login using your Singpass or call the CHAS hotline at 1800-275-2427 (1800 ASK-CHAS) to check on your application status.

Singaporeans can apply for CHAS online​. Scanning the QR code using your mobile device will lead you to the online application, which is a convenient way to apply for CHAS. Singapore Citizens aged 21 and above may access the online application with their Singpass and submit the application on behalf of their household members.

Applicants are encouraged to apply for CHAS using the online application or the simplified hardcopy application form​​​ (i.e. version dated January 2023). These are more convenient, as only one household member needs to apply on behalf of his/her household members. Other household members will be kept informed by text message and/or hardcopy letter, depending on the notification preference indicated in the application.

The previous versions of the hardcopy application form (i.e. versions dated January 2014 to September 2017) are no longer accepted.

Under the simplified application process, the Main Applicant is the person who submits a CHAS application on behalf of his/her household members. He/she has the responsibility to inform his/her household members of the application.

Singapore Citizens aged 21 and above can be the Main Applicant for their household, using either the online or hardcopy application. Main Applicants using the online application would also require a valid Singpass to login.

For minors below 21 years of age 

If a Singapore Citizen minor wishes to apply for CHAS as the Main Applicant, he/she may only apply using the hardcopy application form, and would require a parent or legal guardian to provide consent on their behalf.

For mentally incapacitated persons 

If a mentally incapacitated person is to be designated as the Main Applicant, he/she may only apply using the hardcopy application form.

As he/she is unable to provide consent due to mental incapacitation, he/she would require a (i) donee appointed under a Lasting Power of Attorney, or (ii) deputy appointed by the Court under the Mental Capacity Act (Cap. 177A), to provide consent on his/her behalf. If he/she has no done or deputy, and has no other Singapore Citizen family members sharing the same NRIC address that can serve as the Main Applicant, a doctor’s certification of inability to give consent due to mental incapacity would need to be submitted.

​CHAS considers all family members related by blood, marriage and/or legal adoption (e.g. spouse, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins and in-laws) and who live at the same address (as reflected on the NRIC), as members of your household. Please include all such family members in your application.

Domestic helpers, unrelated tenants, godparents and friends living at the same address are not considered members of your household. Family members not living at the same NRIC address are also not considered members of your household.

Only Singapore Citizens are eligible for CHAS and will receive CHAS cards. However, please include PR and FIN-holder family members when declaring your household as they are included in the calculation of household monthly income per person.

​The information required from Main Applicants for the online application and hardcopy form is generally the same.

In both forms, Main Applicants would need to declare their household members. The online application provides added convenience by pre-filling the Main Applicant’s household members (i.e. family members sharing the same NRIC address) based on Government records. As a Main Applicant, you would simply need to verify the household members shown, provide their contact details, and declare their relationship to you.

Main Applicants using the hardcopy form would need fill in the names, NRIC numbers, contact details, and their relationship to you, of all family members sharing the same NRIC address.

Main Applicants need not declare their own or their household members’ incomes.

The online application ​e-service displays the Main Applicant's household members, based on Government records. The household composition should reflect all family members sharing the same NRIC address.​

As a Main Applicant, you should verify that the household composition shown is correct. If it is correct, you should confirm your household composition and proceed with the online application. If the household composition shown is incorrect, you should update it by adding or removing the relevant family members, before continuing with the online application. Please note that we may contact you for further clarification and supporting documents if you have updated your household composition.

​Most applications will not require additional supporting documents. However, if further supporting documents are required for your application, our officers will contact you to advise on the documents required.

​Under the simplified application process, the Main Applicant has the responsibility to inform his/her household members that he/she is submitting a CHAS application on their behalf.

Upon receipt of the CHAS application, a letter of acknowledgement will be sent to the household (at the Main Applicant’s residential address, as reflected on his/her NRIC). Other eligible family members who indicated SMS as a notification preference will also be individually notified of the CHAS application through SMS.

​As the Main Applicant, you would need to declare that you understand the Terms and Conditions of the CHAS application on behalf of your family, and that the information you have provided, including that of your family, is accurate. You are also consenting to the disclosure of your/your family’s personal information collected in the application with other Government agencies, for the purposes of administering services and schemes.

Please note that under the simplified application process, the Main Applicant has the responsibility to inform all family members about the application on their behalf, before submitting the CHAS application.

​Your household’s eligibility for CHAS is assessed based on household monthly income per person (for households with income), and Annual Value of home (based on NRIC address, for households without income).

Household monthly income per person is the total gross household monthly income divided by total number of family members sharing the same address (as reflected on the NRIC or Birth Certificate). Gross household monthly income refers to your basic employment income, trade/self-employed income, overtime pay, allowances, cash awards, commissions, and bonuses.

For example, a family of four with a total gross household monthly income of $7,200 has a household monthly income per person of $1,800 ($7,200 ÷ 4 family members = $1,800). Click here​ to use our Household Monthly Income Per Person Calculator.

Annual Value is the estimated gross annual rent of a property if it were to be rented out, excluding furnishings and maintenance fees.  It is determined by IRAS and may be checked via 

If you have indicated SMS as your preferred way of notification, you should receive an SMS when we receive your application and another SMS when we approve your application.

You and your household members will receive the application outcome by mail. Successful applicants will receive a welcome pack which will include their CHAS card. Information on the use of the card and participating CHAS clinics will also be included. If you are 15 years old and above with a Singpass account, you can also view your digital CHAS card in your Singpass app.

You may also view the outcome of your CHAS application online when available, by logging in to the CHAS online application e-service (​) and clicking on “View Application”.

​Generally, your application will be processed within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the completed application form.

You may view your latest application status through the CHAS online application e-service ( If you have not received the outcome after 15 working days, you may call the CHAS hotline to enquire about your application status. 

​If you are unable to access the online application, kindly report the incident to 1800-275-2427 (1800-ASK-CHAS).

Yes, as he/she is part of the household, their details should be included if their household is applying for CHAS. In addition, PA cardholders can receive CHAS subsidies by showing their PA card at participating GPs and dental clinics.​

​Yes, as he/she is part of the household. While PG/MG cardholders can already receive special subsidies by showing their PG/MG cards at participating GPs and dental clinics, their details need to be included in the application if their household is applying for CHAS.​

CHAS is intended to enhance Singapore Citizens’ access to primary care within local neighbourhoods. Hence, if your family member is residing overseas, please exclude him/her in your application. If required, our officer will contact you for additional clarification. When your family member has returned to Singapore, you may submit another CHAS application to update your household composition.​

​All Singapore Citizens are eligible for CHAS and no fee is required. The enrolment onto CHAS is still on an application basis. To enjoy subsidies under CHAS, households are required to submit an application.​

​Annual Value (AV) is used as a proxy for wealth and family support. While it is not a perfect measure, it remains a reasonable proxy for the financial resources available to the individual, including from immediate family members that reside with this individual.

Usage of CHAS

​The colour of the CHAS card indicates the subsidy tier that cardholders are entitled to, namely the CHAS Blue, Orange or Green tier. All Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) seniors also receive special subsidies at CHAS clinics.

The amount that cardholders pay will be based on the fees charged by the clinic, minus the CHAS subsidies. Cardholders may wish to check with CHAS clinics on their fees before receiving treatment at each visit.

Please not​e that by using their CHAS/MG/PG cards and/or accepting CHAS subsidies at a CHAS clinic, cardholders agree to allow their doctor/dentist to disclose their personal information to the Ministry of Health (including its authorised agents). Please click here​ for more details on the patient con​sent clauses for CHAS.

The table below summarises the subsidies that cardholders can receive, depending on the colour of their card. 

Click here​ to view the full image. 

​The CHAS card is non-transferable and cannot be shared.

​Not all GPs and/or dental clinics participate in the scheme. CHAS clinics can be easily identified by the CHAS stickers displayed.​

CHAS Decals (Nov 2019).png​​​

​The list of participating clinics can be found here​.

​To receive subsidies for your treatment at the CHAS clinic, you will need to produce your valid physical or digital CHAS, Merdeka Generation (MG) or Pioneer Generation (PG) card together with your identification document (e.g. NRIC/Student ID) during the visit. We also encourage clinics to check with their patients on their CHAS/MG/PG/Public Assistance status at the point of registration. CHAS cardholders below 15 years old will have to present their valid CHAS card with student ID or birth certificate.

​Patients are expected to  co-pay for their treatment under CHAS. CHAS clinics are expected to charge CHAS patients reasonable fees for the medical and dental treatments provided under CHAS.

We encourage you to check with your doctor or dentist on the likely fees that you will be charged before proceeding with your treatment(s). The treatment required and the fees will vary according to each patient's condition. The amount you pay will be based on the fees charged by the clinic, minus your CHAS subsidies.

It is compulsory for all CHAS GP and dental clinics to issue itemised bills to all CHAS patients.

For medical clinics, the itemised bill shall state the following:

(a) the total amount charged (before subsidy), with a breakdown of the amount into charges for consultation, medication, investigation and other goods/services, at minimum (where applicable);
(b) the total amount of subsidy claimed for the patient; and
(c) the total amount payable by the patient (after subsidy). 

Minimum level of bill itemisation required (medical clinics): 


For dental clinics, the itemized bill shall state the following:

(a) the total amount charged (before subsidy), with a breakdown of the amount into the individual dental procedures performed on the patient under CHAS (with the number of times each procedure was performed and the amount charged);
(b) the total amount of subsidy claimed for the p​atient under CHAS; and
(c) the total amount payable by the patient under CHAS (after subsidy).

Minimum level of bill itemisation required (dental clinics): 
Bill itemisation (Dental clinics).jpg

​Patients can use their own or their immediate family members’ MediSave accounts, up to the withdrawal limit of $500 per account per ye​​ar for outpatient treatment of chronic conditions. 

MediSave can  be used to co-pay the remaining bill after deducting the CHAS subsidies. After deducting the CHAS subsidies, you will need to co-pay 15% of the remaining bill in cash, while the rest can be claimed from MediSave.    

Example of a complex chronic visit for a blue CHAS cardholder with the usage of MediSave:



​​List price of components that make up the total bill 



Lab Test 


Total Bill 




CHAS subsidy 


This is the amount of CHAS subsidies you are claiming for this visit  

Patient Payable 



Amount due after deduction of CHAS subsidies 

Cash Co-payment (15% of Remainder) 



This is the part of remainder which you will need to pay out-of-pocket 

MediSave Claimable 


This is how much you can claim from MediSave

​The tier is determined based on the complexity of your chronic condition(s). "Simple" refers to visits for one chronic condition. "Complex" refers to visits for two or more chronic conditions, or one chronic condition with complication(s). Your GP can advise you which chronic subsidy tier you are eligible for. 

​Yes, you can seek treatment for multiple conditions simultaneously. However, only one CHAS claim can be made for each visit, for the primary purpose of the visit. For example, if your primary purpose is to follow up on your hypertension treatment but at the same time seek treatment for flu, you would only be able to make one chronic claim (covering both hypertension and flu).

​You are encouraged to visit the same family doctor each time you are unwell so that the doctor is familiar with your personal and family's medical history. This will enable your doctor to effectively and holistically manage your medical conditions.

From 1 January 2020, MOH has instituted a limit on the number of visits for common illnesses allowed under CHAS to be 24 per year per patient, across all CHAS clinics. In addition, there is a monthly limit of four visits as most patients are not expected to need more than four visits a month. For patients who have been assessed that a higher frequency of care is clinically appropriate, the clinic may appeal to MOH to exceed the limits on the number of visits.

For chronic conditions, on average, patients are expected to make about four visits per calendar year to the GP for the management and treatment of their condition(s).

CHAS clinics are allowed to submit CHAS claims on behalf of patients based on the above guidelines. These guidelines have been put in place to limit potential abuse of subsidies and to ensure that patients with multiple, frequent visits and might potentially require specialist or hospital care are reviewed in the appropriate setting in a timely manner.​

​If you have been assessed to require specialist care and hold a CHAS/PG/MG/PA card, your CHAS GP and dental clinic can make a referral for you to visit a public Specialist Outpatient Clinic (SOC) or public dental National Specialty Centre (NSC)*. You will be considered as a subsidised patient and will receive care from a team of doctors/dentists. Patients who wish to choose a specific doctor/dentist will have to pay private rates.

*These are: the National Dental Centre of Singapore (NDCS) and the National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore (NUCOHS).

Subsidies for your treatment at the public SOC will be determined based on your monthly Per Capita Household Income. Please visit the MOH website​​ or check with the public SOC directly for more information on the subsidies.

Upon referral, do bring along your NRIC and CHAS Referral Form, during your first visit to the SOC/NSC.

​All Singaporeans already receive heavy Government subsidies at the polyclinics. As such, CHAS subsidies are not applicable at the polyclinics, and are intended only for private GP and dental clinics.

​You may wish to inform your polyclinic doctor of your request and obtain a memo from him. The memo should indicate your condition, the medications that you are taking and latest test results, if any. This memo could be presented to your GP on your first visit to the CHAS clinic.

Pioneers or Merdeka Generation seniors with CHAS cards are to present their PG or MG card and NRIC when visiting a CHAS clinic.​

​The Vaccination and Childhood Development Screening Subsidies (VCDSS) allow Singapore Citizens to receive subsidies for nationally-recommended vaccinations at CHAS GP clinics if they meet the recommended criteria for the vaccinations.

Eligible Singaporeans need only pay the following amounts for the range of nationally recommended vaccinations at CHAS GP clinics, after government subsidies:​
Eligible Singaporean children: $0 
Eligible Pioneer Generation cardholders: capped at $9 to $16 per vaccination dose
Eligible Merdeka Generation, CHAS Blue and Orange cardholders: capped at $18 to $31 per vaccination dose
Other eligible adult Singaporeans: capped at $35 to $63 per vaccination dose

Please visit the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) website here for more information on the VCDSS.

Revised PCHI Thresholds

CHAS benefits are currently tiered according to household monthly income per person or the Annual Value (AV) of the home, when all family members living in the same household do not receive an income. The thresholds for AV were revised on 1 Jan 2024.

From 1 Oct 2024, the thresholds for the household monthly income per person will be revised for all tiers, as indicated in the table below:

CHAS Criteria: Household Monthly Income Per PersonCHAS BlueCHAS OrangeCHAS Green
Before 1 Oct 2024$1,200 and below$1,201 to $2,000Above $2,000
From 1 Oct 2024$1,500 and below$1,501 to $2,300Above $2,300

MOH will start processing new CHAS cards for existing CHAS cardholders who are eligible for a card with higher subsidies as a result of the revised income criteria, after 1 Oct 2024. No action is required from these cardholders if there are no changes to their household composition. Those with changes in household information will be asked to submit a new CHAS application, which will be assessed based on the revised income criteria. New cards will be progressively issued in the weeks ahead after 1 Oct 2024.

You will receive a letter to inform you on your new CHAS tier and card validity. Your reissued card will have a new validity period of 2 years, starting from the date it is approved.​

​All affected cardholders will receive a letter to inform them on the change in CHAS tiers due to changes in income criteria. If you have opted out from receiving physical CHAS card, you will receive instructions to view your latest digital CHAS card in your Singpass app. ​

​For households with a recent change in their household income status, we encourage you to contact us for assistance via the CHAS Contact Us Form or contact the hotline at 1800-275-2427.​

Healthier SG Chronic Tier

Since 1st February 2024, CHAS#, Merdeka Generation (MG) and Pioneer Generation (PG) cardholders enrolled to Healthier SG GP clinics with higher chronic medication needs will enjoy more subsidies under the new Healthier SG Chronic Tier.
Specifically, you will have access to selected chronic medications (e.g. for diabetes, high blood pressure), similar to those prescribed and subsidised at polyclinics, at prices comparable to polyclinics.

1 Simple” refers to visits for a single chronic condition. “Complex” refers to visits for multiple chronic conditions, or a single chronic condition with complication(s).

2 Services refers to healthcare services provided by the Healthier SG GP clinic, such as consultation and investigations (e.g. blood tests).

3 Refers to all other medications which are not defined in the Healthier SG Medication List.

4 Applies to chronic medications defined in a Healthier SG Medication List, which comprises medications which are commonly used at the polyclinics for management of conditions under CDMP. 

Cardholders receive help in these two areas:
For selected chronic medications – Receive subsidies of up to 87.5% for selected medication with no dollar cap based on the card status.

For all services (e.g. consultations, investigations) and other medications – receive subsidies of up to $135 per visit and $360 per year.

At every visit, CHAS#/ MG / PG cardholders can choose to either tap on subsidies under the existing CHAS# Chronic Tier, or the new Healthier SG Chronic Tier. Please note that one subsidy tier may be used at each visit. The remaining dollar subsidy limits will be pro-rated accordingly for the next visit if a different subsidy tier is chosen.
Patients with higher chronic medication needs and bills which exceed the current CHAS# annual subsidy limits are more likely to benefit.
Patients with lower medication needs, may continue to be covered by existing CHAS# subsidies.
You may consult with your family doctor to find out if you are suitable to switch to using the selected chronic medications that are eligible for percentage subsidies under the Healthier SG Chronic Tier.
Healthier SG benefits and subsidies are available/accessible at your enrolled Healthier SG GP clinic.

# The CHAS Chronic Tier subsidy framework is available for all CHAS cardholders. The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Merdeka Generation (MG) and Pioneer Generation (PG) cardholders, to receive subsidies for medical and/or dental care (Only for CHAS Blue/Orange, MG and PG cardholders) at participating General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics. To find out more about CHAS, please click 

​The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Merdeka Generation (MG) and Pioneer Generation (PG) cardholders, to receive subsidies for medical and/or dental care (Only for CHAS Blue/Orange, MG and PG cardholders) at participating General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics. 

You will need to be a CHAS/ MG/ PG cardholder and also be enrolled with a Healthier SG GP clinic to be eligible for the subsidies under the new Healthier SG Chronic Tier, which is available since 1st February 2024 onwards.

You or your household members can apply for CHAS at​.

Healthier SG benefits and subsidies are available/accessible at your enrolled Healthier SG GP clinic.

Please visit HealthHub to check on your eligibility to enrol for Healthier SG.

​Healthier SG Chronic Tier subsidies are available at your enrolled Healthier SG GP clinic since 1st February 2024. Please click here​ for details of the Healthier SG Chronic Tier. 

There is no change to the prevailing subsidies at polyclinics.

​Enrollees with any chronic conditions under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) and have CHAS/ Merdeka Generation/ Pioneer Generation cards can opt for the Healthier SG Chronic Tier. 

The chronic conditions under CDMP are:
1. Diabetes Mellitus/ Pre-diabetes
2. Hypertension
3. Hyperlipidaemia (Lipid Disorders)
4. Stroke
5. Asthma
6. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
7. Schizophrenia
8. Major Depression
9. Bipolar Disorder
10. Dementia
11. Osteoarthritis
12. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
13. Anxiety
14. Parkinson's Disease
15. Chronic Kidney Disease (Nephrosis/Nephritis)
16. Epilepsy
17. Osteoporosis
18. Psoriasis
19. Rheumatoid Arthritis
20. Ischaemic Heart Disease
21. Allergic Rhinitis
22. Gout
23. Chronic Hepatitis B

For more information, please visit MOH | Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP)​

Your enrolled Healthier SG GP clinic can refer you for specialist care if it is clinically appropriate. Your doctor (or the care team) will discuss with you prior to making any referral for specialist care.

CHAS/Merdeka Generation (MG)/ Pioneer Generation (PG) cardholders can receive subsidised referrals to public SOCs through CHAS clinics, which include their Healthier SG GPs. You will be considered a subsidised patient and will receive care from a team of doctors/dentists. Patients who wish to choose a specific doctor at the SOC will have to pay private rates. ​

For more information on SOC subsidies, please visit the MOH website or check directly with your Healthier SG GP or the public SOC.

​​​Since 1st February 2024, Singapore Residents can use MediSave to pay for their CDMP treatment at their enrolled Healthier SG GP clinic without cash co-payment, up to prevailing withdrawal limits.​​

​Illustration of subsidies under Healthier SG Chronic Tier ​

A typical chronic visit bill at a GP consists of the following components:

  • ​Consultation
  • Investigations (e.g., blood tests)
  • Medications

A comparison of the benefits between the Healthier SG Chronic Tier and CHAS Chronic Tier​:

Digital CHAS card

​The digital CHAS card is a feature on the Singpass app that displays your name, NRIC number, CHAS card type and validity dates.​

​If you are a Singapore Citizen aged 15 years and above with a valid CHAS card, who has registered for a Singpass account and set up your Singpass app on a smart device, you can view your digital CHAS card under the 'My Cards' section on your Singpass app.​

​Yes, you may still present your physical CHAS card with your physical NRIC during your visit to the CHAS GP or dental clinics. The physical CHAS card will still be issued to all CHAS cardholders. This will ensure all cardholders can easily access their CHAS cards in their preferred form. ​

​You can find your digital CHAS card by swiping left on the 'My Cards' section on the Singpass app. Please present your digital CHAS card with your digital Identity Card (IC) during each visit at the CHAS GP or dental clinic.​

T​o protect against unauthorised access, users are reminded not to capture screenshots of their digital CHAS card or share their Singpass login details, including their app passcode, with others.

​You can only view your personal digital CHAS card on your Singpass app. If your child is under 15 years old and does not have a Singpass account, he/she will only have the physical CHAS card. If your child is 15 years old and above and has registered for a Singpass account and set up his/her Singpass app, he/she will be able to view his/her digital CHAS card on the Singpass app. ​​

You can only view your digital CHAS card on your Singpass app. Like the physical card, the digital CHAS card will indicate your PG/MG status in the top left corner, and you can present the digital CHAS card to enjoy PG/MG subsidies at CHAS clinics. 

​Please call us at 1800-275-2427 or write to to provide details of your clinic visit, and we will investigate accordingly.​

You can log in to check your latest CHAS status here. If your latest CHAS status does not match your digital CHAS card on your Singpass app, please call the CHAS hotline at 1800-275-2427. Alternatively, you may write to on the issue. Our officers will provide you with further assistance.​

Recommended Health Screening, Screen for Life (SFL) by Health Promotion Board (HPB)

Screen for Life (SFL) is the national screening programme by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) that encourages Singaporean residents (Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents) to go for regular health screening and follow-up. Subsidised screening tests offered under SFL include those that screen for cardiovascular risk factors (obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes) as well as selected cancers namely cervical cancer, colorectal cancer and breast cancer1.​

(1 offered at selected polyclinics and Singapore Cancer Society.)​

If you are a Singapore Citizen, you can access subsidised screening for cardiovascular risk, cervical cancer, and colorectal cancer at a low, fixed fee, as long as you fulfil the eligibility criteria. These screening services are only available at CHAS GP clinics.

This fee covers the screening test(s) done within the same screening visit, screening visit consultation, repeat screening test(s) if needed, and the first post-screening consultation (if required). Individuals who undergo their screening test(s) on a separate visit will be charged a separate fixed fee.

Permanent Residents who meet the screening criteria do not receive enhanced SFL subsidies, but they can enjoy HPB's standardised screening test rate(s)2 at CHAS GP clinics. The prevailing doctors' consultation rates will be charged accordingly by the respective CHAS GP clinics.

2 Please check with your preferred CHAS GP clinics for the rates.

​​​​F​​​or ​eligible Singapore Citizens enrolled onto Healthier S​G, your cardiovascular risk, cervical and colorectal cancer screening will be fully subsidised under SFL, at your enrolled Healthier ​SG Clinic. You can chec​k with your enrolled Healthier SG Clinic​ when yo​​​​​​ur recommended screenings are due.

If you are a Singapore Citizen, you can access subsidised screening at CHAS GP clinics for cardiovascular disease, cervical cancer, and colorectal cancer at a low, fixed fee, as long as you are eligible.

SFL costs:

  • $0 for Pioneer Generation (PG) cardholders
  • $2 for Merdeka Generation (MG) cardholders
  • $2 for CHAS Blue and Orange cardholders
  • $5 for CHAS Green cardholders and all other Singapore citizens

This fee covers the screening test(s) done within the same screening visit, screening visit consultation, repeat screening test(s) if needed, and the first post-screening consultation (if required). Individuals who undergo their screening test(s) on a separate visit will be charged a separate fixed fee.

Subsidised rates1 for breast cancer screening are also offered at selected polyclinics. The rates are $50 for Singapore Citizens, $37.50 and $25 for Merdeka Generation and Pioneer Generation cardholders respectively.​

1 This subsidy is offered only for SFL screening mammography services at participating polyclinics only.

​ ​​​​F​​​or ​eligible Singapore Citizens enrolled onto Healthier S​G, your cardiovascular risk, cervical and colorectal cancer screening will be fully subsidised under SFL, at your enrolled Healthier ​SG Clinic. You can chec​k with your enrolled Heal​​thier SG Clinic​​ when yo​​​​​​ur recommended screenings are due.

Your eligibility depends on:

(i)           Your age and gender as below:

​Type of screening:
​Age and gender:
Cardiovascular risk screening​​Men and women aged 40 years and above
​Cervical cancer screening
​Women aged 25 years and above
​Colorectal cancer screening
​Men and women aged 50 years and above
​Breast cancer screening
​Women 50 years and above (available at selected polyclinics and Singapore Cancer Society Clinic)

(ii)          The date of your last screening:

​Type of screening:
​Date of last screening:
Cardiovascular risk screening​​Three years since your last screening
​Cervical cancer screening
​Three years since your last Pap test or five years since your last HPV test
​Colorectal cancer screening
​One year since your last screening with FIT
​Breast cancer screening
​Two years since your last screening mammogram​

(iii)         Whether you have been diagnosed with chronic diseases, selected cancers (cervical or colorectal) or any of the pre-existing breast conditions and/or symptoms.

You can log in to HealthHub (HH)​ via Singpass to check the recommended screening test(s) and co-payment amount (if any). You are strongly encouraged to make an appointment with your preferred CHAS GP clinic. On the screening date, please present your NRIC, and CHAS/MG/PG/PA* card, to qualify for the subsidised rate. The SFL invitation letter is generally not needed for screening although some clinics may request that you present one for clinic's administrative purpose. The CHAS GP clinic can check your eligibility via their clinical system or alternatively you can show your screening eligibility from your HH app.

For breast cancer, screening is only available at selected polyclinics and the Singapore Cancer Society Clinic.

*Eligible Public Assistance (PA) cardholders will receive the same subsidies as PG cardholders.

​ ​​​​F​​​or ​eligible Singapore Citizens enrolled onto Healthier S​G, your cardiovascular risk, cervical and colorectal cancer screening will be fully subsidised under SFL, at your enrolled Healthier ​SG Clinic. You can chec​k with your enrolled Heal​​thier SG Clinic​​ when yo​​​​​​ur recommended screenings are due.

If you are between 18 and 39 years old, and are identified to be 'at-risk' after taking the Diabetes Risk Assessment (DRA), you are eligible for the subsidised health screening for cardiovascular risk screening under SFL (please refer to the FAQs on DRA here​ for more information).

If you are a female Singapore Citizen aged 25 or above, ever had any sexual activity and have not had a Pap test within the last three years or HPV test in the last five years, will be eligible for cervical cancer screening under SFL.

Screening under SFL is available at participating CHAS GP clinics island wide and polyclinics.#

You may use the clinic locator​ to find out where yo​ur nearest CHAS GP clinic is located. We strongly recommend you to make an appointment with your CHAS GP as you may need to prepare for your screening appointment.

On the screening date, please present your NRIC, and CHAS/MG/PG/PA* card (if any), to qualify for the subsidised rate. The SFL invitation letter is generally not needed for screening although clinics may request that you present one for clinic’s administrative purpose. The CHAS GP clinic can check your eligibility via their clinical system or alternatively you can show your screening eligibility from your HH app.

#For th​e ​SFL Breast Cancer Screening Programme, screening is only available at selected polyclinics and the Singapore Cancer Society Clinic.

Breast cancer screening is available at SFL’s BreastScreen Singapore (BSS) screening centres listed below:
*​(Correct as at March 2024)

National Healthcare Group Diagnostics (NHGD) Tel:  6275 6443 (6-ASK-NHGD), weblink ( or scan the QR code   

Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic
Hougang Polyclinic
Kallang Polyclinic
Khatib Polyclinic (from June 2024)
Sembawang Polyclinc
Toa Payoh Polyclinic 
Woodlands Polyclinic
Yishun Polyclinic 

National University Health System Diagnostics (NUHS D) Tel: 6370 6556, weblink ​​​​​(​​) or scan the QR code   

Bukit Batok Polyclinic
Bukit Panjang Polyclinic
Clementi Polyclinic
Pioneer Polyclinic 

SingHealth Polyclinics (SHP) Tel: 6536 6000, weblink ( or scan the QR code  

Bedok Polyclinic
Eunos Polyclinic 
Outram Polyclinic 
Punggol Polyclinic
Sengkang Polyclinic 
Tampines Polyclinic
Tampines North Polyclinic

Singapore Cancer Society (for eligible women aged 50 years and above with a valid CHAS Blue or Orange card): 1800 727 3333

*Eligible Public Assistance (PA) card holders will receive the same subsidies as PG cardholders i.e. no co-payment.​

We strongly recommend that you call your preferred CHAS GP clinic in advance to make an appointment as it facilitates a smoother screening process. While some tests require fasting overnight, non-fasting test option is also available for cardiovascular risk screening. However, as there are some medical conditions which might affect the accuracy of non-fasting screening tests, you may wish to check with your GP on the suitability of these tests for you.

The subsidised rates are only available at CHAS GP clinics. If you prefer to attend screenings at polyclinics, your visit will be subsidised according to prevailing polyclinic subsidies.

If you have gone to a CHAS GP clinic for your recommended health screening under the Screen for Life (SFL) programme, the CHAS GP clinic will be able to provide you with a subsidised referral to the Specialist Outpatient Clinics (SOCs) at the public hospitals, in the event of an abnormal screening result that warrants further investigation and/or treatment.​

For abnormal mammograms, you are recommended to call and make an appointment at one of the Assessment Centres within two weeks of receiving your results (i.e. no medical report given). Details can be found in the letter.​

National Cancer Centre – 6436 8415

National University Hospital – 6772 2263

Tan Tock Seng Hospital – 6357 8177

Changi General Hospital – 8127 7900

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital – 6602 1665

Sengkang General Hospital – 6930 3990

If you meet the eligibility criteria, a valid CHAS Blue/Orange card is required for the subsidised fixed fee of $2 for the recommended health screening(s) at CHAS GP clinics under the Screen for Life (SFL) programme. These screenings are free for eligible Pioneers and $2 for MG Seniors.

If your CHAS Blue/Orange card has expired, we would encourage you to reapply for CHAS as soon as possible. Eligible Singapore citizens without a valid CHAS Blue or CHAS Orange card, and who are not Pioneers or MG Seniors, would need to pay a subsidised fixed fee of $5 for the recommended health screening(s) under SFL.​

​ ​​​​F​​​or ​eligible Singapore Citizens enrolled onto Healthier S​G, your cardiovascular risk, cervical and colorectal cancer screening will be fully subsidised under SFL, at your enrolled Healthier ​SG Clinic. You can chec​k with your enrolled Heal​​thier SG Clinic​​ when yo​​​​​​ur recommended screenings are due.

S​creening subsidies at CHAS GP clinics are applicable only for the nationally-recommended health screening tests under the SFL programme.

​You can find out more about the recommended screenings at the Screen for Life website here.

​Time-limited Extension of CHAS Chronic Subsidy and MediSave for Video Consultation (VC)

​To support the safe distancing measures implemented by the Multi-Ministry Taskforce, the Ministry of Health (MOH) introduced a time-limited extension of CHAS Chronic subsidy and MediSave for the treatment of 7 selected chronic conditions via video consultation (VC) on 3 April 2020.

From 1 December 2023, this extension has been expanded to support video consultation for the regular follow up of all 23 chronic conditions under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP).

This will enable more patients whose conditions are stable, to benefit by avoiding a physical visit to the clinic during this COVID-19 period, while still receiving care.

​Patients may use their CHAS subsidies and MediSave for video consultations of all 23 chronic conditions under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) until the deactivation of the Public Health Preparedness Clinic (PHPC) scheme, or otherwise determined by MOH.​​

​With effect from 1 December 2023, all 23 chronic conditions under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) will be included. They are:

  1. Allergic Rhinitis
  2. Anxiety+
  3. Asthma^
  4. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
  5. Bipolar Disorder+
  6. Chronic Hepatitis B
  7. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease^
  8. Dementia
  9. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (including Pre-Diabetes)
  10. Epilepsy
  11. Gout
  12. Hypertension (High blood pressure)
  13. Ischaemic Heart Disease
  14. Lipid Disorders (e.g. High cholesterol)
  15. Major Depression+
  16. Chronic Kidney Disease (Nephritis/Nephrosis)
  17. Osteoarthritis
  18. Osteoporosis
  19. Parkinson's Disease
  20. Psoriasis
  21. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  22. Schizophrenia+
  23. Stroke

+ CHAS Chronic subsidy and MediSave can only be claimed for these conditions at CDMP+ accredited clinics. Anxiety includes general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobic anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

^ Only stable Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with no acute exacerbation should be reviewed over video consultation. ​

​The time-limited CHAS subsidies will not cover video consultations for acute conditions, such as common cold or cough.

To use your CHAS Acute subsidies for acute conditions, you would need to attend an in-person consultation with your CHAS GP, so that the doctor can assess and administer the appropriate treatment for your condition(s) present during that visit.

Eligible patients can also receive subsidies for consultation, medications and investigations at Public Health Preparedness Clinics (PHPCs), while they are activated, if you are assessed by the doctor to have a respiratory infection (e.g. common cold).

​Only selected medical practitioners who have completed the required telemedicine training and fulfilled MOH’s recommended guidelines on telehealth services can use CHAS and MediSave for video consultations for the 23 chronic conditions.

You can check if your clinic of choice provides telemedicine service via HealthHub​. Clinics that are able to do so have “(Remote)” within their names. The number of providers will be progressively ramped up as more providers adopt video consultation.

​Each video consultation will be subject to the same per visit and annual subsidy limit under CHAS as in-person consultations at the clinic. Patients can tap on the prevailing CHAS Chronic subsidy and MediSave (i.e. MediSave500 and Flexi-MediSave) limits to offset the cost of video consultation, related drugs and investigations.

​In order for the medical practitioner to confirm patient’s suitability for video consultation, the patient must have had at least one in-person consultation with their medical practitioner within the last 12 months. As patients are expected to make an average of four visits per calendar year for their chronic conditions, there should generally not be more than three video consultation episodes each year. If you need more regular follow-ups, you may be more suited for an in-person consultation instead. You may wish to seek advice from your medical practitioner on this.

​CHAS Chronic subsidy and MediSave may only be used for video consultations for the 23 selected chronic conditions. The time-limited extension is provided for video consultations as the video feed enables the GP or healthcare provider to better assess visual cues of the patient which may not be possible via other modes of technology (e.g. text or audio).

You can check if your clinic of choice provides telemedicine service via HealthHub​. Clinics that are able to do so have “(Remote)” within their names.

You must previously have had at least one in-person consultation at the clinic or healthcare institution within the last 12 months in order to use CHAS Chronic subsidy and MediSave for the video consultation. You may wish to check with your healthcare provider on your suitability for video consultation. However, whenever it is assessed to be necessary, such as when a physical examination is required, your medical practitioner may still advise you to come to the clinic or healthcare institution for an in-person consultation.

​Yes, please show your identification document (e.g. NRIC/Student ID) together with your CHAS, Merdeka Generation or Pioneer Generation card at the start of the video consultation, so that the healthcare provider can verify your identity and provide you with the applicable CHAS subsidies. Your healthcare provider should also explain to you the prevailing guidelines and terms and conditions for the use of CHAS Chronic subsidy and MediSave to pay for the video consultation.

​Clinics may decide how they want to charge the patient for such instances. Patients are advised to check with the clinic on their treatment charges and estimated cost for each video consultation and physical visit (if needed).

​Generally, patients consulted via video consultation should not be charged differently compared to an in-person consultation. Clinics should obtain patient’s consent on the charges prior to arranging for a video consultation. You may contact your clinic to clarify on the charges prior to the video consultation.

​Clinics may choose to collect outstanding payment in cash from you later on, or via electronic payment if the clinic has electronic payment modes. Please check with your healthcare provider on the mode of payment.

​Clinics can issue an electronic bill to the patient. Please check with your healthcare provider on the mode of billing and payment.

​Healthcare providers may allow collection at a physical premise or provide delivery of medication. However, the delivery charge cannot be paid for using CHAS or MediSave. Patients are encouraged to discuss with their clinic or healthcare provider to work out the best arrangement to collect the medication.

​While you may have a video consultation for your CDMP condition and other conditions outside the CDMP in the same sitting, please note that you would not be able to apply CHAS subsidies or use MediSave for the video consultation in such instances as only CDMP chronic conditions are covered under this time-limited extension.

Should you have multiple medical issues to be addressed but still wish to tap on CHAS Chronic subsidy or MediSave for your CDMP condition, please consider making a physical trip to the clinic for the doctor to comprehensively address all your conditions within the same encounter.

​Feedback on CHAS

​If you require a​ny further assistance on CHAS, please click here​ or call the CHAS hotline at 1800-275-2427 (1800-ASK-CHAS) between 8.30am and 6.00pm, Monday through Friday (excluding Public Holidays).​

If you would like to clarify on the CHAS subsidies applicable to your visit to a CHAS clinic, please call our hotline at 1800-ASK-CHAS (1800-275-2427). Alternatively, you may write to using via the Contact Us​ form.

If you have feedback on the professionalism of doctors or dentists, you may contact the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) or the Singapore Dental Council (SDC). SMC and SDC are regulatory authorities who guard against medical or dental incompetence and professional negligence committed by doctors or dentists respectively.

It is compulsory for all CHAS GP and dental clinics to issue you an itemised bill for your visit. 

The itemised bill must at least state:
(i) the total charges before CHAS subsidy (with a breakdown into Consultation, Medication, Investigation and Others for medical bills or individual dental procedures for dental bills); 
(ii) the total CHAS subsidy given; and 
(iii) the remaining amount that you pay. 

This will give you a clearer understanding of the treatments and subsidies received. You should get an itemised bill from the clinic even if your bill is fully covered by CHAS subsidies and you do not make any out-of-pocket payment. If you have any queries on the bill, you are encouraged to speak to your clinic.

In addition, you can check your CHAS claims history and annual subsidy balance by logging in to MyCHAS​ using your Singpass or calling the CHAS hotline at 1800-275-2427. ​

Collection of prescription refills for chronic conditions on patient’s behalf

Patients who opt for medications delivered/collected on their behalf without an in-person consultation should take note of the following:

The patient must require these medications specifically for the treatment or alleviation of symptoms related to any of the 23 Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) conditions; and

The patient must have had at least one in-person consultation within the past one year with the medical practitioner for review of the chronic condition(s) in which medications are being delivered/collected; 

If you are collecting medication on behalf of your family member (patient), both you and the patient will need to fill in a Letter of Authorisation (LOA) to be presented at the clinic.  Other LOAs may also be used, provided that the same details are furnished within the LOA.

When collecting the prescription refills at the clinic, you should present all of the following:
a) the LOA; 
b) your own personal identification card/document (original);
c) patient’s personal identification card/document (original); and
d) patient’s CHAS/Merdeka Generation (MG)/Pioneer Generation (PG) card, if applicable (original)

All of us can now apply for CHAS!

​​​​​If you are a Singapore citizen aged 21 and above, simply log in to our online application system using Singpass and submit an application for yourself and your loved ones at home.​​